Submetering Electricity: A Key Strategy for Energy Efficiency and Cost Management 

Submetering Electricity: A Key Strategy for Energy Efficiency and Cost Management 

In the quest for improved energy efficiency and cost management, submetering electricity has emerged as a vital tool for facility management companies and large property owners. This blog post will delve into the concept of submetering, its benefits, challenges, and best practices, all while keeping the broader context of net-zero and ESG goals in mind. As you navigate the changing landscape of energy management, understanding the advantages of submetering can help unlock significant cost savings and support your sustainability initiatives. 

What is Submetering Electricity?

Submetering is the practice of installing individual meters to measure the energy consumption of specific areas, systems, or tenants within a building. By breaking down energy usage data into granular levels, submetering provides detailed insights into how, when, and where energy is consumed. This information is invaluable for identifying inefficiencies, allocating costs fairly among tenants, and making informed decisions about energy management and conservation measures. 

The Benefits of Submetering Electricity

Implementing submetering can yield numerous advantages for businesses: 

  1. Enhanced energy management: Detailed energy consumption data enables facility managers and property owners to pinpoint inefficiencies and take targeted actions to reduce energy waste. 

  2. Fair cost allocation: Submetering allows for the accurate allocation of energy costs among tenants, promoting energy conservation and fairness in billing. 

  3. Informed decision-making: Access to granular energy data helps businesses make better decisions regarding equipment upgrades, maintenance schedules, and demand response programs. 

  4. Regulatory compliance: Submetering can assist companies in meeting energy benchmarking and reporting requirements set forth by local, regional, or national regulations. 

  5. Reduced operational costs: Improved energy efficiency through submetering can result in lower utility bills, positively impacting a company's bottom line. 

Challenges of Submetering Electricity

Despite its benefits, implementing submetering can present some challenges: 

  1. Initial investment: Installing submetering systems may require a significant upfront investment, making considering long-term savings against initial costs essential. 

  2. Technical expertise: The installation and management of submetering systems may require specialized knowledge and expertise. 

  3. Data management: The large volume of data generated by submetering systems can be overwhelming and necessitates efficient data analysis tools and strategies. 

Best Practices for Submetering Electricity

To maximize the benefits of submetering, consider the following best practices: 

  1. Assess your needs: Determine the level of granularity required for your energy data and identify the areas, systems, or tenants that will benefit most from submetering. 

  2. Choose the right technology: Select submetering systems that meet your specific requirements, are compatible with your existing infrastructure, and provide accurate and reliable data. 

  3. Develop a data management strategy: Implement a robust data management strategy that includes regular data analysis, visualization tools, and actionable insights. 

  4. Engage tenants and stakeholders: Communicate the benefits of submetering to tenants and other stakeholders, and involve them in energy conservation efforts. 

  5. Monitor and adjust: Continuously monitor your submetering system's performance and make adjustments as needed to ensure ongoing energy efficiency improvements. 

Submetering electricity is a powerful strategy for facility management companies and large property owners seeking to improve energy efficiency and cost management while supporting their net-zero and ESG goals. By understanding the benefits, challenges, and best practices associated with submetering, businesses can make informed decisions that enhance their energy management capabilities and contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Smartcool is proud to offer a wireless energy monitoring solution called Panoramic Power. Panoramic Power sensors by Centrica Business Solutions are easy to install and wirelessly transmit data to an internet-based dashboard called Power Radar. This solution is enough for jobs of any scale and provides valuable insights into your entire energy estate. Our customers have found that getting good data is fundamental to their decarbonization strategy, and Panoramic Power has provided that for them.

Click here to learn more about our energy submetering solution.

Get in touch today through our website to find out how we can help you get started with a submetering solution.

If you’re interested in reading more about the challenges and opportunities businesses face in reducing the carbon emissions of their buildings, check out this blog post:
Energy-Efficient Buildings: Tackling Challenges and Reaping Rewards in the Era of Net Zero and ESG 


The Decarbonization Challenge: Navigating Volatility and Investing in a Sustainable Future 


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