Energy Monitoring for Facility Managers: A Key to Achieving Net Zero and ESG Goals

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Energy Monitoring for Facility Managers: A Key to Achieving Net Zero and ESG Goals

As a facilities manager, part of your responsibility is to ensure the buildings and facilities you oversee are energy-efficient and environmentally responsible. However, this task has become increasingly challenging with the emergence of Net Zero and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) objectives. Thankfully, wireless energy monitoring is an essential tool that can assist you in achieving these goals. 

Why is energy monitoring crucial?

Without device-level energy monitoring, it's difficult to pinpoint areas of waste and take the necessary steps to rectify them. This can lead to excessive energy consumption, increased utility bills, and a negative environmental impact. Additionally, measurement provides a reliable base of information for ESG reporting or energy audits.

Power Radar Energy Dashboard

What are Net Zero and ESG?

Net Zero and ESG goals present significant challenges for facilities managers. Net zero aims to achieve a balance between greenhouse gas emissions generated and the amount removed from the atmosphere. ESG goals strive to create a more sustainable and socially responsible business environment. Both objectives require proactively reducing energy consumption and ensuring your buildings and facilities are as energy-efficient as possible. 

How can energy monitoring help?

Energy monitoring is a vital tool to help you meet these goals. By offering device-level insights into energy consumption, energy monitoring enables you to identify waste and implement corrective measures. These steps can range from upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment to adjusting employee behaviour to minimize energy consumption. 

Smartcool provides a wireless energy monitoring system designed to deliver these insights. Our system is user-friendly and easy to install, offering various benefits, including: 

  1. Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Understanding each device's energy consumption allows you to identify waste and take corrective action. This can help reduce energy use and lower utility bills. 

  2. Early Detection of Equipment Malfunction: Device-level energy monitoring helps identify devices consuming excessive energy, indicating potential malfunction. Early detection can prevent further energy waste and save on costly repairs. 

  3. Improved Understanding of Energy Usage Patterns: Monitoring energy consumption over time enables you to identify patterns and make informed decisions about reducing energy use. For instance, you may observe higher consumption during specific times or days, suggesting changes in scheduling or behaviour could save energy. 

Energy monitoring is indispensable for facilities managers seeking to achieve net zero and ESG goals. By reducing energy consumption and identifying areas of waste, energy monitoring can help you proactively ensure your buildings and facilities are as energy-efficient as possible. Learn more about our wireless energy monitoring solutions on our website, or get in touch to speak to our energy efficiency experts who can help you come up with a strategy for your goals.


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